The animals blog

Works in progress

28 March 2022 Just one more pair of animals before they go into the kiln for a biscuit firing. Fennec foxes are a new addition to the oeuvre.

All ready for the first firing. Fingers crossed they keep together in one piece.

March 2022 – It’s been way too long since I’ve posted here. Have been making steadily but not updating. However, I’m enjoying the sunshine again and inspired to get back into making. This little batch of tapirs, capybaras, aardvarks and pangolins are on the exotic side, but the herdwick sheep are also fun. I hope you enjoy them.

Early June 2021 and I’m back in the shed. Working on some new ideas inspired by friends. Walruses have special characters. The baby whale is pretty charming. The orca looks particularly cheery.

18 April 2021 A sunny Sunday early evening working the clay. Just makes you feel better.


17 April 2021 Adding to the Wildlife collection today. They will look much more cheetahlike once glazed.

By Bridgetg

I'm an amateur potter. I learned my craft under the expert tutelage of Liz Green. I enjoy experimenting with clay and glazes to give the figures dynamism and texture.

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